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Code of business conduct and ethics

Welcome to B-Secur Limited’s (we, us or B-Secur) Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Code). This Code has been adopted by our Executive Management Team and is designed to inform you of our and ethics and business conduct standards.

This Code summarises the standards that we believe must guide our actions to achieve this culture. Although this Code covers a wide range of business practices and procedures, it cannot and does not cover every issue that may arise, or every situation in which ethical decisions must be made. It does however set forth key guiding principles that represent our policies at B-Secur.


We strive to foster a culture of honesty and accountability. Our commitment to the highest level of ethical conduct is reflected in all of our business activities including, but not limited to, our relationships with our employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, the government and the public, including our shareholders.

Our Mission is to enable accurate EKG signal monitoring for early observation of cardiovascular disease for both on device and cloud applications, driving preventative and proactive healthcare management.


B-Secur has an obligation to act as a responsible corporate citizen, and we recognise that one of our most valuable assets is our reputation for integrity, professionalism and fairness and that our actions are the foundation of our reputation. As such, our adherence to this Code, our other policies and any applicable law is imperative, and we actively take steps to consider public issues of significance which may affect our employees, investors, and other key stakeholders.

B-Secur will devote the necessary resources to establish such procedures as may be reasonably necessary to maintain a culture of accountability and facilitate compliance with our principles as set out in this Code.


We require all of our employees, managers and directors to conduct themselves according to the language and spirit of this Code.

We are strongly committed to conducting our business affairs with honesty and integrity and in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. As part of this commitment, we hold information and training sessions for our employees, managers and directors in order to promote compliance with any laws, rules and regulations that affect our business.


We place the utmost importance on any confidential proprietary information that we may receive from you. We hold all proprietary information in strict confidence (except where disclosure is authorised by you or required by law) and require our employees, managers and directors to strictly observe such rights.


Each employee, manager and director of B-Secur endeavours to deal fairly with customers, suppliers, competitors, the public and one another at all times and to act in accordance with ethical business practices. We believe it is imperative that no one should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts or any other unfair dealing practice. No bribes, kickbacks or other similar payments in any form shall be made directly or indirectly to or for anyone for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or obtaining any other favourable action.


B-Secur are committed to achieving equal opportunity, celebrating diversity in the workplace. Our policies for recruitment, advancement and retention of employees forbid discrimination on the basis of any criteria prohibited by law, including but not limited to race, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation and gender orientation.

Our policies are designed to ensure that our employees, customers and other individuals are treated, and treat each other, fairly and with respect and dignity.

In keeping with this objective, we have a zero-tolerance policy for conduct involving discrimination, harassment or bullying of others. All of our employees are required to comply with our policies regarding equal opportunity, non-discrimination and fair employment.


We will ensure that we continue to meet our responsibility to provide full and accurate information in our public disclosures, in all material respects, about our financial condition and results of operations.


B-Secur is committed to conducting its business in compliance with all applicable environmental and health and safety laws and regulations. The Company strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and to avoid adverse impact and injury to the environment and communities in which we conduct our business. Achieving this goal is the responsibility of all directors, managers and employees.


B-Secur respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. Our Privacy Policy (which can be found here has further information as to how we look after your personal data.


All employees, managers and directors are expected to comply with all of the principles set out in this Code and to carry out their duties to the highest standards of professional integrity. We understand that open communication of issues and concerns by all employees without fear of retribution or retaliation is vital to the successful implementation of this Code and aim to create a welcoming and open environment to promote the same.


If you have any concerns about this Code, any of our practices, our other policies or any applicable laws, rules or regulations, please contact our Legal team at